Panel Details
Panel Features
Panel Specifications
Rib Height: 2”
Panel Length: 3’ to 48'
Net Coverage : 16”(standard) or 12- 18” available for special orders
Slope: 3:12 Minimum Roof Slope
Pan Selection: Flat and Striated
Material Type: Standard Galvalume (Zincalume) or Galvanized available for special orders
Available Gauges: 24 Standard, 26 and 22 available for special orders
Fasteners: Concealed Fasteners
Finish: Standard Galvulame Bare or SMP available for special orders
Trim/Flashing: Standard Metroll Universal Trim/Flashing & Custom available for special orders in Bare and color
Installation: Snap-together panel system
MetSeam is a clean and attractive standing seam roof system with easy snap together installation.
Installation Method
Seaming Method with a Machine: Metseam refers to a method where the metal roofing panels are joined together using a mechanical seaming tool. This tool bends the edges of adjacent panels together, creating a tight and secure seam.
Panel Placement: Panels are laid out and aligned on the roof. The seams where the panels meet are initially loosely connected by hand or with simple tools.
Mechanical Seaming: A seaming machine is then used to roll along the seams, crimping and folding the metal tightly together. This process creates a strong, watertight seam that is highly resistant to weather and wind uplift.
Edge Finishing: The edges and ends of the Metseam panels are finished with appropriate trim, and sealants may be used to ensure complete waterproofing.
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