Panel Details



Rib To Rib Distance: 7.2"

Rib Height: 1 -1/2’’

Panel Length: 1' to 51'

Net Coverage : 36" (3FT)

Slope: 1:12 Minimum Roof Slope

Material Type: Standard Galvalume (Zincalume) or Galvanized available for special orders

Available Gauges: 26 Standard and 24 available for special orders

Fasteners: Exposed Fasteners

Finish: Standard Galvulame Bare or SMP available for special orders

Trim/Flashing: Standard Metroll universal trim/flashing & custom available for special orders in bare and color

Installation Method

General Procedure

1. Refer to trim connection details to determine order of trim and panel placement.

2. Align the edge of the first sheet along the edge of the roof. The panel should hang over a maximum of 2” at the eave and should not extend past the center of the ridge space.

3. After the first panel is properly placed, use the recommended screws to secure the panel.

4. Lay down the next two panels and then check the alignment at the eave and ridge to ensure the panels are square.

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